Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Facing an unexpected challenge.

We arrived a day before the final. When we arrived the hotel, we try to have a little rest but a phone call made it impossible. According to the state law of California, we can only do the demo inside some assigned park because there is strict law related to unmanned aircraft system. In this case, our demo location is the Sunnyvale Baylands Park. Unfortunately, there were not power line inside the park. We didn’t know what to do.

There was not time for us to be frustrated, we have to find some other way to demo our Automated Power Line Inspector app. We reached the park as soon as we can, and tried to find if there are some terrain similar to power lines or figure out some other solutions. We walked around the park and found a bridge, we decided to try our app with that bridge. We took off our Phantom3 and started the app. It was pretty successful but the bridge was too short that our demo would end in about 30 seconds and the lack of variation during the path could not demo our app to it’s extreme.

When we were testing with the bridge, some road’s line was detecting by our app. We thought it might be pretty impressive if our app can do road tracking as well. We tried to track the road and the result was less than satisfactory. We discussed together and decide to improve some part of algorithm in order to make the app adapt better when it comes to road tracking. Since the drone ran out of battery, we went back to hotel and modified algorithm while charging the battery.
Back to the park, the new algorithm worked more than perfect!!

Sunnyvale Baylands Park

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Effort and passion always bring good news.

We are in the final of the competition! After a strict selection, DJI has chosen three teams around the country and we are so exciting to say we are one of them. The final will be hold in San Francisco, the final consist of two parts. First part is each team will give a 30 minutes presentations talking about the app or feature they have been working on and the challenges faced during the development. The second part is basically the demonstration of the app, to see if the function works properly. Our Automated Power Line Inspector already had a great response in analyzing images and track the power line, I believe the demo part would be a great chance for us! Please keep an eye on our blog, we will post about final's routine very soon. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Testing IV


     Special thanks to our member Juan Wu who was the pilot of the shooting drone and also who edited the videos. In this video shows two cases which the first one was power line tracking and failure detection. The second shows the path selection when drone was in the intersection.